Monday, February 13, 2006

Olympic Update

Thursday night I was doing some beading. I had read the warnings (linked from Stephanie's blog) about knitting injuries. I took heed but didn't think about it again and then proceeded to do the beading. Trying to get the needle through the too small holes and using that pinching grip over and over. The next morning I woke up and the tendons below my thumbs were really ticked off. I also have a small ganglion cyst on my wrist and it wasn't too happy either. Not off to a great start.

I cast on around Friday at 3:30 pm but knitting has gone slowly. I've had to try and adapt my knitting as not to further aggravate the tendons and wrist. I've made progress but I am a few inches behind where I want to be. Something tells me this may not go as I had hoped. I thought I would really like this yarn for the vest (Silky Wool) but I am not pleased with the unevenness of the stitches. I'm sure part of it is due to my knitting but I think part of it is also the yarn. I thought about ripping and starting a new project but decided to stick with it and hope that it looks better after it is washed.

I have lots of goodies to show from my trip to The Fold but will save them for the next post.


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